Welcome to CUIET Alumni Association

Connecting IETiens across the globe

About Us

The Pioneer Batch of CUIET envisioned a platform for all IETiens to stay connected with their Alma mater and contribute to its Educational, Professional, Social mission and commitments. An organizing committee meeting chaired by the Principal, attended by HODs and PTA representatives in 2005 decided to constitute a steering committee consisting of final year student representatives from each department, students union chairman and a nominated staff representative as its ad-hoc members.

The steering committee drafted a By-Law for CUIET Alumni Association. First general body meeting of the steering committee convened by the Principal, formally elected Alumni Association Office bearers and Executive committee, which adopted the Association By-Law incorporating clauses for future amendments. A joint bank account with Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer as Co-Signers was opened at SBT Thenjipalam Branch with immediate effect.

The first Reunion Get-together and the Second General Body of the Alumni Association was held at the University Campus on December 27, 2009. On this occasion, accounts and budget were presented and approved. 'CUIET Alumni Association' is committed to its pursuit of connecting IETiens across the globe with CUIET and channelizing their resources in the collective best interests and causes of the CUIET Alumni community.


Upcoming events and gatherings for alumni.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or further information, please reach out to us.