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IET Career Guidance and Placement Cell (CGPC)

Career Guidance and Placement Cell (CGPC) is the wing of Institute of Engineering and Technology placement activities. Through CGPC we precisely concentrate on the practical exposure of students through e-learning & development along with their placements. We are also committed to provide the best career opportunities to the students by maintaining close link with prospective recruiters. CGPC organize coherent programmes that boost the students' academic curriculum, besides cultivating close relationship with industry and the corporate world.

Among the various activities of the CGPC, the primary activity is the structuring and delivery of high quality training programs to make our students extremely talented and competitive. We have an experienced panel of members and training generals to assist our students in career guidance & campus placements. Our CGPC is also well equipped with dedicated staffs who closely work with corporate and other national institutions to offer best support for the activities and programs.


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Mr.Aravind P

Placement Officer

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CGPC also provides company oriented career training to mould the students to become competitive professionals. The training is imparted to sharpen up their skills in quantitative ability and logical reasoning. Campex Programs are also conducted in the college for training students to improve their various skills through mock interviews, group discussions and presentations. Importance is also given to the development of soft skills too. Frequent tests are conducted to suit the requirements of the respective industry. These trainings also helps students to acquire their dream jobs and facilitates the development of their overall personality and also help the students to face the competitive examinations likes GATE, CMAT and SSB with confidence.

Placed students