College Events



Being one among the biggest technical and cultural fest witnessed by South India, 'Diskha' is the result of painstaking efforts taken by the college union that starts even months before the curtain raiser. Better to say, almost a year long of efforts are taken by the college union to organize a pitch perfect event like 'Diksha'. Blessed with the participation of the leading colleges across the nation like IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, IIT Madras, NIT Calicut, the audience witness a variety of entertaining as well as enlightening programs in IET Robot Festivals, Auto Expos are some among them. Launched under the partnerships of various audible brands from all walks of life like Sun Groups, Kairali entertainment, Mathrboomi groups, Ford Automobiles etc, Diksha also offers informative pods from eminent IIT Alumnus and other technical organizations. The 4 day event is bounded with various cultural items throughout where students from various colleges takes part and garners prize and praise. The event was also blessed with the presence of veterans from the field of arts in the yesteryear like Stphen Devasi, Madhu Ramakrishnan etc.

Soccer Fiesta

Soccer Fiesta

Curriculum is never complete without the presence of physical education and 'Soccer Fiesta' is an earnest effort made by College Union to introduce the world of sports to the students. Initially planned as an inter college football fest across the colleges of Malabar, the event got surprising attention and wide publicity even before the launch. The debut itself witnessed the active participation of various colleges across the state. Last year, the event was blessed with a total of 27 teams from all districts of Kerala including from leading colleges like GEC Thrissur, CET Trivandrum, TKM & GEC Kannur. For the past two years, AWH engineering college, Kozhikode are bagging the champions trophy. Hosted in the presence of eminent personalities and celebrities from the arena of sports, the event receives the partnership of leading sports brands like Nike, Reebok etc. Like other events launched by IET College Union, the prime and the ultimate aim of Soccer Fiesta remains the same 'Boot up the personality and managing skills of IETians, Strengthen the bond between the students and above all, opening a larger world of experience beyond the boundaries of the college.



The annual cultural & technical fest titled under 'Blaze' is the most blazing events organized by college union. The 4 daylong events starting with a series of technical competitions like Truss Making, Best Manager, Paper Presentation, Quiz etc takes the audience to a new level of entertainment once the curtain rises of cultural events. Enriched with a wide range of competitions including off stage & on stage, Student from various departments compete each other on various items and judged under an audible and experienced jury panel and winners are awarded with attractive prizes. Without the aids of any external agencies, Blaze is entirely organized by the College Union with the sole support of students. Every year College Union is successful in delivering a grand colorful event remaining in limited financial boundaries. With a motto of "Entertainment with Erudition", Blaze offers an opportunity for the students to delve into themselves and comes up with those talents which might be even unknown to them. It is actually the best platform for the students to test their skills on management as well as teaches them to face bravely those various problems that hinder them from reaching the glorious zeniths in their career and life.